Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Turkey Trot

When I was in high school, various members of my family would run a 5 mile Turkey Trot Thanksgiving morning. We also had a Friday morning Turkey Carcass run that we participated in. I actually missed the first Turkey Trot I signed up for because I got hit by a van while doing a quick run the evening before. No broken bones, but I certainly wasn't in any position to run a 5 mile race the next morning.

In any case, I graduated and moved half way across the country to go to college, and with one thing or another I haven't run a Turkey Trot since my senior year in high school. A few weeks ago I googled local races and found a 5k that's just 10 minutes away. Even better, they allow jogging strollers!

It was on the cold side Thanksgiving morning, but the race was fun. It was the first time I ran a race pushing a jogger, but I didn't do too badly. The first half of the race was nice mixture of flat and downhill. The second half was a lot of uphills, so I had to do some walking then, but I still managed to finish the race in 35:05. Not the best time I've ever run, but really good for pushing a 4 year old in a jogger up a bunch of hills.

LMS had fun, but kept asking to get out and run. She's been riding in that jogger since she was 3 or 4 months old. I think we're approaching the end of its usefulness. Next year she'll be old enough to participate in the half mile kids' fun run that's before the 5k.

Do you run a race on Thanksgiving?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Women's 4 Mile Race

This morning I ran my first race in more than a year and a half- the last time was New Year's Day 2009. I was a little concerned about the course because the course description kept talking about hills, but ultimately the slight inclines couldn't hold a candle to the hills I've been running while pushing a four year old in a jogging stroller.

And can I say how much easier it is to run when not pushing said four year old in a jogger? Holy cow! What a difference! It's been at least 6 months since I ran without her, so I'd forgotten what it's like. In training, I only managed to run two or two and a half miles during my four and four and a half mile walks. I knew I could finish a four mile race, I just wasn't sure that I could run an entire four mile race.

Other than a short distance (a hundred yards, maybe) between the mile 3 marker and the water table, I ran the entire race! Yay me! And I only walked that section because I couldn't catch my breath- I still don't have my inhalers worked out properly, so they helped, but not quite enough.

Because I was able to run almost the entire race, I also finished a lot faster than I thought I would. I wasn't really sure how long it would take since I didn't have any real benchmark to go from, but I definitely wasn't expecting to finish in 42:32 (that's a 10.6 minutes/mile pace).

Making the whole experience even better, my shins didn't bother me! This is HUGE- being able to run a race without my shins killing me is something I've been looking forward to for a loooong time.

Several of my friends also ran the race, and LMS was able to stay with their husbands and kids while I ran, which really made the whole thing possible. I left my camera with LMS, and she tried to get a picture of me, but my camera is a piece of crap and way too slow. So instead of me, here's a picture of the people behind me:

and a picture of me while we walked to the starting line, waving to LMS:

Apparently one of the husbands got some good video of me waving to LMS as I ran passed them to the finish line (they were a couple hundred yards from it), but I haven't gotten a chance to see it yet.

I enjoyed the course and I'd like to do this race again next year :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Good hard run

Today I did 4.5 miles, and I ran a little more than 3 of those miles. It kicked my bum! It was a bit cooler (70's) than it has been (90's+), but still hot and humid, and I can tell that I still have a ways to go to get in shape.

Admittedly, I am running up and down lots of hills while pushing a 4 year old in a jogger, but I'm still not in shape. I think I need to start using my inhalers again, too :(  I hate being dependent on medication, but I could tell I wasn't getting enough oxygen, so I'll have to use them.

I've got 3 weeks till the 4 mile race, and I'd like to run the whole thing, so I need to start ramping up my training. I'd also like to start increasing my weekly mileage so I can run a half marathon in November.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Today I ran a mile

It's been a really long time since I ran a mile without stopping, especially while pushing LMS in the jogger. I can't say I was fast, but I did it. And aside from being very sweaty and out of shape, it felt good.

I've got just over a month till the four mile race, so I need to focus on getting my mileage up and making sure I'm prepared. Today was encouraging.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Off-road running

Thursday we went off-roading on our walk. It's beautiful out here. The view looking forward:
The view looking back:
I did run for short distances, which reminded me how much I enjoy running on dirt trails, especially if they're flat :)

I finally replaced the battery and recalibrated my pedometer, so I have a fairly accurate idea of how far I'm going now.

Saturday I went for a 3.5 mile walk, and managed to run about 1.25 miles of it. I broke the run up into four different sections, and it was definitely a good workout.

I'm sticking to walking/running three days a week, even though I am tempted to run more- it feels good to finally being running again, but I know if I push it too hard, too fast I'll just end up injured again. I really don't want that to happen.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Running Shoes

In my ongoing quest to get in shape and lose weight, I've been walking again, and have even managed to add in some running.

As per goal #50,  I've been looking for races to participate in. Registering for a race is one of the best ways for me to stay motivated in my workouts.

Saturday I registered for the local Womens 4 Miler that will be held the first Saturday in September. I'm excited- I haven't run a race since New Year's Day 2009. As usual, I'm trying to be careful to avoid shin splints- they're the reason I haven't run any races in so long.

Since my running shoes were pretty old and worn out,

I decided it was time to get some new shoes:
I love new shoes! The old ones were feeling saggy and lopsided. The new ones feel so good- nice and firm and supportive. 

Monday, May 10, 2010

I found some off road trails

Last Wednesday I finally went for a walk. It had been a couple weeks since the last time I went and it was nice to get moving again. We went about 3.5 miles and found some unpaved trails that were mostly nice, but a little rough in a few places. Good thing we have a BOB stroller! It handled everything with ease, even if I didn't- I'm definitely out of shape.

I need to start exercising in earnest. If I don't, and even if I do, I may not be ready for the marathon in September. I really want to be running, but I also want to be running without pain, so I can't push too much too soon.

I thought about getting up early and going for a run before Mr M gets up, but we have some schedule changes coming up, so that will only work in the short term. Going for a walk after LMS gets up, has breakfast, gets dressed, etc means we usually don't leave the house till 9 at the earliest. Mr M comes home for lunch at 11, so by the time I've done my walk, showered, changed, etc, it's time to get lunch ready and the morning is completely gone. This is a big part of why I haven't gone for walks for a while now- I'm trying to get stuff done, and I can't do it all.

Guess I'm going to have to figure out how to work around that.

I've made good progress on the sorting and purging, but still have some more to do. If I could just get all the stuff sold, I'd be good. Anyone need any random baby stuff?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Two current major goals

The first is to get my mileage back up. I'm struggling a bit with this one. There's great walking trails here, but there are no mile markers, so it's hard to know how far I've gone. I like to quantify things, so I'm not liking that so much. I finally found a battery for my pedometer, but I still need to recalibrate it before I can use it. I'm also struggling with low energy levels. I've been moving boxes and bins around, unpacking, sorting, finding places for things, and it's very tiring. Added to that is the nasty cold I had the last couple weeks which is finally mostly gone and the Easter candy I ate (I've really got to stop eating candy all together, sugar is just causing too many problems) and random food allergy problems (still not sure what exactly is triggering it), and I just haven't been feeling that great lately.

The second goal is to get everything unpacked and put away as soon as possible. I'm making good progress on this one, but I'm at the point where I have to start getting rid of a lot of stuff, so I've also started listing things on craigslist. Hopefully everything will sell quickly, but in the meantime the items are still here, taking up space. I love decluttering! Well, I love the results. The process can be stressful.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Weekly mileage report, week 9

Wednesday- walked about a mile or so with Mr M and LMS
Thursday- walked about 2 miles with LMS in the jogger. discovered just how close we are to the pool, a grocery store, and the preschool I want to send LMS to in the fall.
Friday- walked about 3 miles

Total miles week 9:  6+
Total miles week 8: 4+
Total miles week 7: 6
Total miles week 6: 3+
Total miles week 5: 10
Total miles week 4: 12
Total miles week 3: 9
Total miles week 2: 6
Total miles week 1: 3
sun behind the trees, caught while on our walk

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Weekly mileage report, week 8

Monday- have been feeling very crummy still, unpacked two more cubes though
Tuesday- still feeling crummy- really phlegmy
Wednesday- still feeling yucky
Thursday- unpacked the jogger Monday, went to use it today, only to find the tires flat. took LMS on a walk still, but went at her pace. did about a mile, I think. also unpacked the last cube.
Friday- Mr M inflated the tires last night, so we walked about 3 miles
Saturday- didn't walk other than during a long grocery shopping trip (exhausting!)

Total miles week 8: 4+
Total miles week 7: 6
Total miles week 6: 3+
Total miles week 5: 10
Total miles week 4: 12
Total miles week 3: 9
Total miles week 2: 6
Total miles week 1: 3

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weekly mileage report, week 7

Total miles week 7: 6
Total miles week 6: 3+
Total miles week 5: 10
Total miles week 4: 12
Total miles week 3: 9
Total miles week 2: 6
Total miles week 1: 3
yes, we lived on crappy country roads, and yes, LMS dressed herself

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weekly mileage report, week 6

Monday- intended to walk, even though it was cold and snowing, but decided not to- good thing since the guy picking up the storage container didn't call before coming- just showed up- and I may or may not have been home by then if I'd gone for a walk
Tuesday- on the train
Wednesday- on the train
Thursday- walked about 2 miles
Friday- walked a little with LMS (don't have our jogger right now, so things are more difficult right now)
Saturday- walked all over Monticello (Thomas Jefferson's house), but I didn't have my pedometer on, so I don't know how far we went

Total miles week 6: 3+
Total miles week 5: 10
Total miles week 4: 12
Total miles week 3: 9
Total miles week 2: 6
Total miles week 1: 3
cool old truck on one or our routes (before we moved)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Weekly mileage report, week 5

Monday- ran errands, almost went for a walk when I got back, but it was too cold and windy- I wussed out.
Tuesday- walked 3 miles in the cold and wind
Wednesday- walked 4 miles and got snowed on a little bit- it was just a passing flurry
Thursday- didn't walk- just too exhausted- too many late nights combined with lots of heavy lifting
Friday- got a really good workout moving boxes into the truck then moving them into the cubes
Saturday- even though I was tired and sore, I did get out and walk 3 miles

Total miles week 5: 10
Total miles week 4: 12
Total miles week 3: 9
Total miles week 2: 6
Total miles week 1: 3
the view- I'll miss this

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Weekly mileage report, week 4

Monday- ran errands again
Tuesday- walked 2 miles
Wednesday- walked 3 miles
Thursday- took a break
Friday- walked 4 miles
Saturday- walked 3 miles

Total miles week 4: 12 miles
Total miles week 3: 9 miles
Total miles week 2: 6 miles
Total miles week 1: 3 miles

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Beautiful weather for a walk

cell phone pic of the road stretching out in front of me on my favorite route

There was gorgeous weather today- perfect for a 3 mile walk with Little Miss Sunshine. Not so perfect for hauling half a dozen boxes and two file cabinets out to storage- the ground is defrosting and turning into a sloppy, muddy mess.

We need another cold snap by next Friday, or the ground needs to dry out- Friday the 12th I have to drive a U-Haul truck back to the storage container, and the following Monday the container is supposed to be picked up. Neither is going to work out if the ground stays a muddy sloppy mess.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weekly mileage report, week 3

Monday- I ran errands (does that count towards my mileage?)
Tuesday- walked 1 mile
Wednesday- walked 3 miles
Thursday- I took a break
Friday- walked 3 miles
Saturday- walked 2 miles

Total week 3: 9 miles
Total week 2: 6 miles
Total week 1: 3 miles
LMS running her 1st race, New Years Day 2009

Friday, February 26, 2010

Walking, packing, and some great news

I didn't walk yesterday because I only got a couple hours of sleep that night (I just could not shut off my brain!), but I did get some projects worked on and some more packing done.

Today I walked 3 miles. My shins are still feeling good- I wear my compression sleeves while I walk and ice them after every walk, and no problems so far.

I've finished all but one of my sewing projects. I'm hoping to finish that one tonight, then tomorrow I'll pack up my sewing machine. I packed up my craft and sewing stuff this afternoon, but ran out of boxes before I finished packing stuff from the closet. I cannot believe how much stuff we had stored in that closet.

I told LMS to put all her toys away (they were scattered all over) so we could start packing some of them. She wasn't real happy about that idea. Luckily for her, I ran out of boxes, so we can't pack them yet.

And for some really good news: last night we got word that we're approved for the house we want to rent! Isn't it pretty? It's in a nice neighborhood, close to work, and has lots of trails in the community- no more getting chased by dogs! Yay!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

More walking and sewing projects progress

There's snow still  on the ground, but I still managed to get outside for a walk yesterday and today. Today the weather was actually quite nice- I don't think the snow will be sticking around too much longer.

Yesterday we walked to the house of one the sisters I visit teach- she lives about half mile away, I think, then we walked to the in-laws house. I think I did about a mile all together but I'm not completely sure on the distances since I don't usually go that direction.

Today I walked 3 miles, and it felt quite good. I'm tired, but not sore. I've been using my compression sleeves, and I think they're making a huge difference. The first two days I walked I didn't use the compression sleeves, and my shins were a little sore- sore muscle sore, not shinsplint sore- but still sore. Last Monday I pulled out my compression sleeves and have been using them since without any soreness. Hopefully it lasts- I'd really like to be able to run without shinsplints.

I finally sat down and knocked some of my sewing projects out- some mending, another pair of leggings for LMS, some mesh produce bags, a tan skirt for me (I bought the fabric when I was pregnant with LMS more than 4 years ago, intending to make a maternity skirt, but I never got around to it), and started my envelope wallet. I want to get my sewing finished so I can pack up all my sewing supplies and my sewing machine.
LMS's new leggings

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Weekly mileage report, Week 2

It took me most of the day, but I managed to get out and walk two miles this afternoon. In my defense, it was cold, alternating snow flurries and fog, so visibility wasn't the greatest. I ended up going during LMS's nap because I was worried about taking her with me- worried about how slick the road might be and worried about how cold it was. I think the stroller would probably have been ok- BOB does a great job on all sorts of terrain, but she definitely would have gotten cold, even bundled up and with the rain cover on.

Over my jacket I wore my day-glo green cycling jersey to make sure I could be seen from at least a mile away, and I didn't worry about the slickness of the roads, because I had my YakTrax Pro on my shoes. I actually bought them (and a set for my FIL) for Christmas last year (more than a year ago), but this was the first time I've used them. I've just been too wussy about getting out in inclement weather. I have to say, I didn't worry about my footing at all- the metal spring things give awesome traction, even on icy roads.Well worth the money I spent (I think about $20-25 on ebay?), and hopefully now I will be more confident about getting out in bad weather.
July '08: LMS wearing my cycling jersey inside out and backward

This week:
Monday: ran errands
Tuesday: walked 2 miles
Wednesday: walked 1 mile
Thursday: walked 1 mile
Friday: watched Mr. M's niece
Saturday: walked 2 miles

Total: walked 6 miles

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Weekly mileage report, Week 1

Despite falling temperatures and a stiff wind, I bundled up LMS and went for a walk yesterday. We only went a mile because it was quite cold and windy, and because I need to ease back into the exercising thing, right?  :)

At least I managed to get outside even though the weather wasn't optimal. If I can just keep that up...

Mileage for this past week: I walked 3 miles

Friday, February 12, 2010

Running goals

Last night I realized that since I know where we're moving to, I can plan which races I want to run this year. I did some research, and found several in the next couple months that I'd like to run, but since I haven't exercised in quite awhile, those aren't on the list for this year- I'll have to wait till next year. I need several months to gradually increase my mileage and properly train, so I won't be ready till summer. There's no local half marathons in July, but I found several in August. That gives me 6 months to properly train and prepare and avoid injury. I'll also be training for the same marathon I ran a year and a half ago. That's in September, so the half in August will be a prep for it. There's also half marathons I can run in October, November, and December.
LMS and I after my first marathon in Sept. 2008

If I can get in shape and keep running, despite the weather, I could conceivably run one big race a month year round, starting this August. The key will be to avoid injury. That's why I need to take my time getting in shape and increasing my mileage.

My goal in running the marathon again is to complete it without the massive amounts of pain I had the first time, and to cut my time significantly- by at least an hour, more would be better. My goal in running the half marathons is to gradually decrease my time and lose weight. I've lost some weight since going gluten free, but I still have quite a bit to lose.

This morning I got up and went for a two mile walk with LMS. It felt good, and I iced my shins afterward while I stretched. I think I'm going to try really hard to ice my shins morning and night, regardless of whether I went for a walk/fun. Hopefully that will help prevent shinsplints from taking over again. Now I need to make sure I keep getting outside so I can build my mileage base.