ice on one of the ponds in our neighborhood
Despite weather in the mid-20s this week, I've actually gone on walks 4 times! Why didn't I manage this in previous winters? I blame it on the frigid arctic wind blowing across the open fields and right through me. All the trees around here block most of the wind, so while it's still cold, I'm not being blown all over and I don't have to deal with the wind chill factor.
Monday: 1.5 miles
Wednesday: 2 miles
Friday: 2.5 miles
Saturday: 3 miles
No running yet- I haven't run since the race on Thanksgiving, but the walks feel good.
How does LMS stay warm? I bundle her up, wrap a warm fleece blanket around her, then put the water proof rain/snow cover on the stroller which blocks any stray wind and keeps her body heat in. She stays nice and toasty :)