Thursday Mr M, LMS and I ran the Turkey Trot that LMS and I did last year.
Awhile ago I bought LMS some running clothes to try to encourage her to run and be excited about it. You can find exercise clothes for girls at Target for fairly reasonable prices. I found a cute pink non-cotton shirt, a running skirt, and running tights. Isn't she adorable?
This year LMS was old enough to participate in the half mile kids' run. Here she is, already to go.
Lined up at the start line.
Heading back after the turnaround.
I'm tired, mommy.
I don't blame her. The kids' run is a quarter mile out and a quarter mile back. The problem is that going out is down hill and coming back is uphill. Needless to say, LMS didn't enjoy the return trip, but she finished! This is the second race she's done. The first one was almost three years ago and was only 25 yards :)
Mr M hasn't been doing much running lately so he walked and pushed LMS in the jogger in the 5k, finishing in 47:24. I ran the race and then walked back and finished again with them.
I finished in 32:44, which is faster than I thought I did. I thought I finished in the 33 or 34 minute range. I was only 16 seconds slower than the Halloween race last month, which is really good, since I had to stop and walk more on this race because my knee was bothering me.
About a month and a half ago I tripped going up the stairs and whacked my kneecap on the edge of one of the stairs (which really, really hurt) so I've been taking it easy since then. Sometimes it hurts when I walk, but this was the first time it hurt when I ran. And it didn't hurt in an I-can-ignore-this way, it was definitely in an I'm-going-to-have-to-go-to-the-doctor-and-get-this-checked-out way. I was hoping to avoid this, especially since I've got a half marathon to run in a month and a half. Hopefully it won't be too bad.
I'm proud of Mr M for finishing his first 5k (and doing it while pushing the stroller!) and of LMS for finishing her half mile run.
Hope we can keep up this tradition :)