Monday, May 10, 2010

I found some off road trails

Last Wednesday I finally went for a walk. It had been a couple weeks since the last time I went and it was nice to get moving again. We went about 3.5 miles and found some unpaved trails that were mostly nice, but a little rough in a few places. Good thing we have a BOB stroller! It handled everything with ease, even if I didn't- I'm definitely out of shape.

I need to start exercising in earnest. If I don't, and even if I do, I may not be ready for the marathon in September. I really want to be running, but I also want to be running without pain, so I can't push too much too soon.

I thought about getting up early and going for a run before Mr M gets up, but we have some schedule changes coming up, so that will only work in the short term. Going for a walk after LMS gets up, has breakfast, gets dressed, etc means we usually don't leave the house till 9 at the earliest. Mr M comes home for lunch at 11, so by the time I've done my walk, showered, changed, etc, it's time to get lunch ready and the morning is completely gone. This is a big part of why I haven't gone for walks for a while now- I'm trying to get stuff done, and I can't do it all.

Guess I'm going to have to figure out how to work around that.

I've made good progress on the sorting and purging, but still have some more to do. If I could just get all the stuff sold, I'd be good. Anyone need any random baby stuff?

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